The Fear of Masculinity
david trinidad
Finally, one night in Chicago,
quite unexpectedly, I understood.
I’ve been out since my late teens,
but it took two women, over three
decades later, to enlighten me. I was
having dinner at a Thai restaurant
with my colleague Lisa Fishman
and Jennifer Moxley, who’d flown
from Maine to give a poetry reading
at Columbia College. I forget
the context, but at some point
in the conversation I said, “I’ve
never understood why straight
men hate homosexuals so much.”
Both women, facing me across
the table, looked mildly surprised.
As if it were no mystery to them.
“Well,” said Lisa, “in their eyes
one of the men would have to be
the woman.” It wasn’t enough
to make the lightbulb go off. So
Jennifer added, pointedly, “And
nothing could be worse than that.”
David Trinidad’s numerous books include Sleeping with Bashō, Digging to Wonderland: Memory Pieces, Notes on a Past Life, Peyton Place: A Haiku Soap Opera, and The Late Show. He is also the editor of A Fast Life: The Collected Poems of Tim Dlugos, Punk Rock Is Cool for the End of the World: Poems and Notebooks of Ed Smith, and Divining Poets: Dickinson, an Emily Dickinson tarot deck. He currently lives in Los Angeles, CA.
Instagram - @davidtrinidadpoet
Facebook - David Trinidad