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Section 10, Lot 245, Grave Number 9
tony trigilio

August light breaks

banana yellow—


bruised. Early morning 

shadows slack, cold. 


I’ve lost him again. 

I remember wanting 


to come back, 

give him a blanket


his first night here.

The landscaping crew 


boss idles in his 

mud-red F-150 pickup.


The breeze full with

pollen, the grass 


needs cutting. A map 

propped against his 


steering wheel—where

to find my brother.

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Tony Trigilio’s recent books of poetry and nonfiction include The Punishment Book, forthcoming in 2024 from Blaze VOX Books; Craft: A Memoir (Marsh Hawk Press, 2023); and Proof  Something Happened, selected by Susan Howe as the winner of the 2020 Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize (2021). A volume of his selected poems, Fuera del Taller del Cosmos, was

published in 2018 by Guatemala’s Editorial Poe (translated by Bony Hernández). He is a

Professor of English and Creative Writing at Columbia College Chicago.


Instagram - @tonytrigilio

Facebook - Tony Trigilio

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