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Naperville, huh
After Jamila Woods - Beverly, huh
jermaine nolan

You probably grew up in a big ass house. Your bedroom must have been upstairs.

I bet you had your own bathroom. You and your friends rode bikes.

I bet your corner store was a co-op.

I bet they let more than three kids in there at once. And you could keep on your hood.

And they sold reusable tote bags.

I bet your mom has a closet full of those things. I bet you had a snack pantry growing up.

Your dad probably got steaks delivered to y’all house. And they could just leave them on the porch.

I bet he had a big ass grill in y’all backyard. I bet y’all had a yard.

Your dad had a riding mower, didn’t he? I bet you had a golden retriever.

And a dog house.

Your golden retriever slept outside sometimes didn’t he? Y’all had a newspaper dispenser on the corner of
your block.

When you bought ice at the store I bet the freezer wasn’t locked. You didn’t have to order through bullet
proof glass did you?

I bet you rode a school bus to school. Your high school probably had a nurse. And a guidance councilor.

And a glee club.

You probably didn’t even know they made clear backpacks. You probably had your own locker.

You like going downtown. CTA is an adventure, ain’t it?

You’ve never been south of Hyde Park have you?

I bet they don’t give away free phones at your Walmart. You think an eighth is $75, don’t you?

You order Harolds on Uber Eats, don’t you?

Sure, your granddad went to CVS, but not when Bernie Mac did. He went to school with Dick Butkus,
didn’t he?


Born and raised in Auburn Gresham, on the South Side of Chicago, Jermaine continues to have a deep connection to the place he calls home. His visual work, written work, and design draws inspiration from his ancestors and his community.


Instagram - @mainooooo_


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